Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Last night was full of phone conversations like this:

"Huhh. I am so drunk."

"Where are you?"

"In the bathroom."

"Did you puke?"

"No, I don't want to puke."

"So why did you call me?"

"I thought you could be the voice of reason."

"Well, the voice of reason is telling you to puke."

Or this litte jem:

"How are you feeling now?"

"Gotta go. Gonna puke." CLICK

All of which lead to conversations like THIS this morning:

"Did you call me some time last night and I hung up on you because I had to puke?"

"Yeah, but that was after you called me the voice of reason and..."

"Wait. Wait. When did I do that?"

"You called me when you were in the bathroom and said I was the voice of reason and I told you to puke."

"Oh. Well then I blame all of this on you."


Jenny N said...

that was a fun party last night.

Duchess T said...

You called me dirty names via text. But I love you anyway cause Mom and Dad said I have to. LOL. I think it's funny when you are drunk.

SLRd said...

And for the record, I was not the one puking. You can thank the Distraction for that.

Duchess T said...

You mean YOU were the voice of reason?????????

SLRd said...

Oh bite me.