Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I found an interesting article at work today just lying around where wandering and curious eyes could fall upon it.

It was about the salary the average IT person makes.

Now, keep in mind, I am no web developer (though, technicaaly, if I really hated myself enough, I could be). I am what you might call a web administrator. (Though let us not EVEN make a mockery of my current wages as a marketing coordinator by seeing what I should be making. Let us remember I do NOT hate myself that much.)

I found that my dear, sweet counterpart, the slave to web usability, the whore to domain names, the internet's bitch for all intents and purposes makes $57,823. ON THE LOW END OF THE SCALE.

And I? I am not making nearly that much.

Holy GOD. If I made the effort to learn the back end of this shit (which, while well within the scope of my ability, does not actually interest me) I could become a web master (or mistress but that just sounds dirty) and then I could OWN YOU!!! And I could own that motorcycle! And a nicer apartment! And a dog! And maybe even a summer house on the lake! (HAH! Not on $60K a year but I like my enthusiasm. (Which pretty accurately describes my work environment. Not a chance of attaining my dreams but LET'S MAINTAIN THAT SAME LEVEL OF ENTHUSIASM AS WHEN YOU STILL HAD A HOPE!)

Gah! I looked it up and I should be making $38K.



Duchess T said...

Honey- I read those articles and then I want to know WHERE do they pay people the national average. Cuz it sure as hell isn't any place I have worked. (Granted my current position has a made up title so there isn't a national study to let me know just how much I should be making. That's the next step in the unweildy corporate machine. They just make up titles. I tell people my title and then they ask me what I do. When I explain what I do they look at me strangely and want to know just how my title associates with my job. And of course at that point I have to look like an ass and I dunno.)

thanks. I didn't even know that was bothering me. I guess I'll send you my $15 co-pay.

SLRd said...

I accept cash, check, or money order.

Anonymous said...

Hate to be Buzzkill McWettowel, but the higher wages generally come with either more years of experience, higher living costs, or both.

I don't even want to know what "average" is for someone with a sociology BA. I bet it involves the phrase, "Do you want fries with that," though.