Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This morning when I woke up, I decided to stay home from work for two reasons: the first being that I still don't feel well and if my body decided to void it's warrenty, I'd rather do it in my own bathroom, and the second being the amount of snow on top of my car and the thinly veiled rationalization that I'm sick and PROBABLY shouldn't be out in the cold. Plus the extra amount of time it would most certainly take me to get to work would make me late anyway and one of my die-hard philosophies in college was if I was going to be late for a class it wasn't worth going.

But they also didn't pay me to attend class.

So here I am, probably not sick enough to be home (she said as her tummy wobbled uncomfortably) but by god, I don't want to infect the masses so really, I'm being selfless here and sparing everyone else who didn't come into contact with me yesterday when I was probably just as, if not more so, infectious from the horrible limbo of the will I or won't I vomit.

And in the meantime I'm reading (about doggies), catching up on the sleep I lost Sunday night that made this little infection all the more able to exact it's revenge on my GI tract, and window shopping on the interwebs for my new apartment for crap I might not be able to afford because I AM MISSING WORK*.

Truly, I am throwing myself on a grenade here people.

*"Missing" as in NOT being physically present, not as in I'm sad I'm not there because, please.

1 comment:

Duchess T said...

You need to get rest so you'll feel better when you are well enough to return. They should thank you.