Monday, November 26, 2007


After spending a few days getting settled into his new life with my sister and her husband, Chewie, the newest addition in puppage form to the family, decided to show his assertive side.

He decided to do this several feet from the floor.

My family has always celebrated Thanksgiving on the Saturday before or after Thanksgiving and this year was no exception. Sure, we go out with Grandma on Thursday, but the real party, with an average attendance of 30 some odd people, and thus the real Thanksgiving is and shall forever be (so long as my parents keep hosting) on Saturday.

It was during this Saturday Thanksgiving that my Not Really Aunt But Close Enough For Our Purposes Here had Chewie sitting on her lap. He'd never really made any attempts to jump from any height so no one really thought to tell her to hold him still. Just as she turned to talk to me, Chewie thought it was a good opportunity to make a break for freedom.

Chewie is only 8.5 weeks old. Chewie is very top heavy. Every time this puppy attempts to eat anything, his hind legs raise up into the air in a way vaguely reminiscent the water drinking bird.

His front legs are not yet strong enough to catch the weight of his bulbous head.

He did a face-plant straight into the carpet at the end of a two-foot fall.

There was a resounding thud followed by dead silence for the briefest of moments. Then he started crying. He stumbled towards my sister, his jaw apparently stuck open from the impact (we think he briefly dislocated his jaw). He managed to work it back shut and quite crying but the poor thing knocked all the spunk out of himself (for the next few hours). I say this because he was exceptionally content to just be held for several hours following this event.

Our immediate reaction was to comfort and sooth him and I worried we might be creating a fear of heights in him. Until he almost attempted the same maneuver while my sister's husband held him.

Crazy little shit. At least he looks good in (and likes) sweaters. Pictures of said sweater to follow.


Jenny N said...

aww..poor puppy. Puppies are pretty dumb though. Cute, but dumb. When Liesel was a puppy she jumped my shoulder as well as a MOVING CAR.

(granted, we were going 5 MPH, but still!)

Anonymous said...

He's definitely related to the Reiss side of the family...being topheavy and all.

Poor bubby. Auntie loves him and I want picturews NOW dammit!!!