Thursday, November 29, 2007


I made our executive secretary cry at work today.

No. I wasn't mean to her. I didn't know what I was going to say would make her cry. I knew it wouldn't make her happy. Hell, it didn't make me happy and I have much more invested in it than she does.

I found out today that the job I was sort of riding on becoming full-time. Isn't going to become full-time.

Now, despite what you may think and despite the plans I had made because of the chance of that happening, I wasn't upset in the slightest when I found out. There was always a chance it would get cut somewhere along the line.

What annoyed me is what level it got cut at, the same level that weeks prior has approved it to move on to the next round.

What pissed me off is the reason. Apparently, I seem to get along fine at my job while only being 35 hours a week. That's right, kids. I'm being punished for being efficient. Stressed the mother f**k out, but efficient. I guess they haven't noticed that I've recently begged off any more small projects until I manage to get caught up after the debacle of just three weeks ago that left me so frazzled I thought I might have to commit justifiable homicide.

To top it all off, the ONLY god damn reason I only work 35 hours a week is because MY BOSS told me in no uncertain terms that am I never to work over that. Or get overtime.

Turns out, not only am I ALLOWED to work 40 hours a week if I so choose (though not all the time and I'd still be considered part-time), I can get overtime so long as it's approved by whatever department it's for first. Don't be mad at my boss. She didn't know this either.

Ugh. I'm disgusted. And this after showing a co-worker my clever hiding place for my passwords (That would be under 'P' on my rolodex. See, it's clever because I have SO FREAKING MANY.) and she stared at them, appalled and disgusted, and told me based on THOSE ALONE, I have too much to do. Because of the number of passwords I have! Too much! But I don't need a full-time job. Nope. I can get done a job in 35 hours a week that used to take two people 60. S-I-X-T-Y.

Morons. That alone makes me worth keeping.


Anonymous said...

Plus, doesn't working "full time" entitle you to the mystical, magical world of "benefits?" Not having to provide those saves the company a couple of cents.

Yep. Corporate America: We'll bend you over the table and ride you dry rather than invest in you.

I've become (more) bitter.

Duchess T said...

Damn........ All words of support and the like have left my mind after reading Michael's comment.
Someone please send him a care bear to help him in this dark cruel world.

Shannon-take a page out of the Union rulebook-work slower. (I can talk but I do the same thing. I know let's blame our parents for raising efficient, hard working , responsible adults. Ha HA JK Mom and Dad. Please send Christmas present. Love you!!!)

Jenny N said...

boo...what dweebs. TP their cars!