Sunday, June 03, 2007


I had a random entry all planned with photos and captions and the like, but I can't find the green stick that lets me upload photos onto my computer so you will have to wait until I find that to see Boy Roommate's mohawk, my angry bug bites, and my armadillo.

I have an armadillo.

So instead of ALL of that chocolaty goodness, I'm giving you this instead:

IT'S A NUGGET!!!!!!!!!!! (In case you aren't thoroughly stalking me through my blog - and if not, FOR SHAME - here is a little back history on the original Nugget.)

And here is a fuzzy manatee! And Steve Buscemi.



Michelle said...

Daily puppy is great! Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Hey I know you like to spend hours looking up random products to waste money on, but this one was an actual AOL headline. I here present you with "pasties". Yes, now you can finally get rid of that bra you "oh so love" and go back to that natural feeling...with a twist. Now people won't be looking at your chest because you are cold. No, in fact, they will be looking at your chest because you have a star or a butterfly covering that temp sensor so nicely placed on the left and right hump. It kind of reminds me of that part of the Little Mermaid where the evil sea witch who has been transformed into a "beautiful" temptress (if that is spelled correctly) and is being distracted and tortured by the sea animals, so that Ariel can get to her prince before he makes a horrible decision, by marrying the sea witch. She ends up having starfish all over her and appropriately placed over the two "temp sensors". Yeah, I know I'm lame for refrencing the Little Mermaid. I hope that this at least made you laugh a little!