Saturday, June 23, 2007


I, my friends, am maybe a little bit drunk. And I, my friends, got hit on tonight. H-I-T ON. Whooo.

Granted, I dressed for the occasion. Top shows a nice amount of boobage without really worrying about the whore-ish factor. Yay BOOBS!

Anyway, on the way home from the bar tonight? Some guy in the car next to us was staring. And he waved.

I waved back. I am so totally hot and attractive like that.

Yes, Guy In Car. I shall be Your Friend. Ish. Maybe. If you aren't totally a creep wad. BUT! Sans Creep Wad, we could totally do business. Not, like Dirty Business, but... yeah, you probably don't know what I mean.

AND! BEFORE THE DRINKING EVEN STARTED?! This gem of a conversation:

"Give me your number! Give me your number! Hey shorty!"

"Is he talking to you or me?" ('Me' being.. well.. me and 'you' being Girl Roommate, who definately just burped)

"I don't know, but he say shorty and you and I are the same height."


Why, yes! Girl Roommate IS a blond. Why do you ask?


Anonymous said...

No she didn't! Please tell me she did not say that and mean it....Sorry Girl Roommate....

SLRd said...

Oh, she meant it.

And I laughed my ass off.

Anonymous said...

Damn......ha ha ha ha