Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Excerpts from a converstation between me and the wiseass oldest favorite:

"How many engineers does it take to...? I'll let you finish since you know so many."

"See, you have to define WHAT they're doing because if it's something not work appropriate then none. Because they can't. They're nerds. It's not in their nature. Only the bravest of nerds will ever perform the engineer's mating call. Many will perish in the attempt."

"I defer to your obvious exemplary knowledge of them. You're like Jane Goodall, aren't you? Oblivious to danger in the quest for knowledge. You are so brave."

"I think of it more as cheating. They're so easily thrilled by any sort of female attention, sort of like neglected puppies. They'll do anything for a belly rub."

"STAY AWAY FROM THEIR BELLIES!!!!!!! I don't mean to yell but I like the fact that you are the good one. I want to keep you like that."

"You're supposed to ask WHAT I'm so damned good at. Besides, it's not the bellies you have to worry about. It's when I say I'm patting them on the head that's the problem."

"What are you good at??????????? I'm telling Dad!"

"I ain't scared!"

"You still haven't told me what you're good at. It certainly isn't going potty alone when drinking. Stay away from their bellies and their heads. (They bite. It's true. I saw it somewhere on the internet)"

"It's okay if they bite so long as they don't leave a mark."

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