Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Hey kids. Above and beyond the summer job I have yet to find, I am spending the summer getting my professional paperwork in order. This includes that pesky co-op paperwork that should have been done WAY before now, updating my resumé, and a complete and terrifying overhaul of my design portfolio. Step number one in this overhaul includes a new domain name, because I'm all big and growed up now and fickle. Dear God, let us not forget the true reason of fickle. So I'm going to present to you all a few options I am mauling over and I'm asking (pretty please!) for YOUR advise as to which you think is the most appropriate.

Catagories for consideration include: professionalism, creativity, MY personality, my career goals (magazine design with the possibility of writing), site needs (to be both a design and writing site), and eventual self publicaion (I plan to eventually transfer my blog to the site and publish myself). Anyway, the entries:



slrdspeech (this is my personal favorite but don't let that sway you)




other (if you have some brilliant idea other than this, I'm all ears though obviously, I'd really like to incorporate my initials but your suggestion doesn't have to)

EDIT: Whom do people use as their host server?



Anonymous said...

As personal preference and for neatness, I would stay away from hyphens, they have always bugged me. With that being said, my vote goes to slrdspeech - it has your initials, is creative and short. I like slrdspeechdesign but I think that might be too long. If you want to go with really short, slr looks good, but I still stick with slrdspeech. :)

Ok, I am done rambling...bye!

sarah cool said...

If you want someone to edit your resume, send it to me, I grew up editing papers for my mom (an english teacher) and spent college fine tuning papers and resumes for friends. :-)

Jenny N said...

I like slrdesign. I guess I don't really get slrdspeech.

I've used eworldportal for hosting...this guys in Cincinnati and really helpful as well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jenny. Slrdesign is more professional. (Slrdspeech is fun but has a negative connotation and may become harmful during the interview process.)
I will edit your resume also if you would like.