Friday, July 07, 2006


I ran around Nippert tonight for two and 1/2 hours. I bruised the big toe on my right foot, and I stoved the big toe on my left foot so now I'm limping around, and it. feels. WONDERFUL. I am going to be so sore and tight tomorrow and I'm going to piss and whine and moan and love every achy minute of it.

Ways To Woo Me While Playing Ultimate
- Yell at your teammates, "Somebody guard her already!" and, "Watch her! Watch her!"
- Tell me that you plan on elbowing the little high school girls in the face.
- Seem impressed when I tell you my nickname is "Man-girl" and it was given to me by Mark Ogg.
- Admit that I totally saved your ass with that catch.
- Laugh when even I show displeasure at playing with more girls.
- Come over after frisbee and ask me for a cookie.
- Don't think I'm a total bitch when I say you didn't throw me off, the reason my throw sucked was because it was right handed and I'm a lefty. (AHH! One of those things that you instantly realize you're an asshole for saying the moment it leaves your mouth)
- Stand there looking like a dope until I realize you're trying to high five me.

How NOT To Woo Me While Playing Ultimate
- Say the same joke over and over again when it wasn't funny the first time.
- Or better yet, have nothing that comes out of your mouth all night be funny (save the high school girl elbowing).
- When I suggest that maybe the high school girls CAN'T catch a Hammer throw, tell me that doesn't mean you aren't going to throw one. PLAY TO THE SKILL LEVEL OF YOUR TEAM, ASSHOLE.
- Throw long when we all know your aim SUCKS long.
- Throw the frisbee so hard you D-I-S-L-O-C-A-T-E your teammates finger.
- Ask everyone on the team their name EXCEPT THE GIRL! SCORN! HATE! EVIL FEELINGS UPON YOU!
- Make me think, "why don't you try throwing it TO THE GIRL! who is open and has been for the last 5 minutes!"
- Invite the little high school girls to play with us when we're already over-crowded and most girls suck.
- Ask your friend, "How do you catch a frisbee?"

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