Tuesday, May 13, 2008


My dear fellow womanly interwebers one and all! BEHOLD! For I have found the secret required to attract the men folk from near and far to your gracious and lovely forms.

Decide you don't want one.

Oh, it's easy enough to SAY you don't want on but that just won't cut it. You really need to mean it. You really have to believe it in order for this type of magic to occur, because it really does work like magic. In nigh on 24 hours OR LESS, the air will be ignited with sparks causing planets to reform and align into a giant, flashing, cosmic neon sign pointing right at your pretty little head and announcing to the whole of the male populous that you are frustrated and disinterested, a clear sign to back off and leave you alone, right? WRONG! These men will instead translate your disinterest into a seeming unattainability of sorts which will then SKYROCKET your apparent hotness exponentially. AND THEN! those bastards wil be coming out of the everloving woodwork.

But fear not. There is still one surefire cure to send them scurrying back to their little black holes.

The sweet, sweet reek of desperation.

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