Sunday, May 11, 2008


Uch. I am done. DEE YOU ENN. Done.

It's gotten to the point where this just isn't fun anymore so what I'm going to do? I'm going to let the few remaining of the initial ten (oh, yes, Dear Interwebs, we're up to Bachelor #10) peter out into nothingness like they are all so bound to do and then I'm going to take a nice long break because I'm tired and I'm drained and, worst yet, I'm frustrated.

Because, you know? Out of all of this mess, I really found out that I have stronger feelings for the Distraction than I thought I did. And, because he and I have always been clear and upfront about our feelings and expectations, I told him that I was interested in more from of him.

Bottom line, he isn't ready. Not with me, not with anyone.

And then there is Bachelor #2 of the Piss-Me-Off persuasion who I really should just get rid of because I know it isn't going to work out and who, as a matter of fact, I probably will kick to the curb tonight when he comes over but for whatever reason I haven't done that yet.

Which brings us to Bachelor #9 who is still in the picture seeing how we've gone on two dates now but I'm not really sure of his interest level either despite him telling me he would call me again this week, but who, after date number two, isn't exactly someone I could see myself with long term.

And finally, Bachelor #10 who I met last night. I really rather like Bachelor #10. I like him the best out of the remaining three. He made me laugh until I cried. Alas, I remain unconvinced he'll call.

And that is just frustrating.

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