Monday, February 11, 2008


This morning I had the great fortune to walk into a most monumental clusterf*ck at work that did not end until I clocked out.

BUT! We shan't speak of that any more, what with news like this:

My beloved blue sofa has been discontinued.

R.I.P. Chad Sofa

7/2007 - 1/2008

I have found a second love.

Now, now. I know what you're thinking and it's true. I haven't had the proper time to grieve! It's too soon to move on! Are my affections really so fickle? And the answer is no. Not really. I still love Chad Sofa and regret that he wasn't able to become a permanent part of my life, but, the harsh, cold truth is I was in desperate need of a couch and the Patriot (which I am lacking a photo of) was willing to take on the challenge.

True, he's not as charismatic as Chad was, nor does he possess the same style or charm but he is safe. (And beige.) And safety and stability (and beige) can be good in a girl's life. Sure, we all want the bad boy, the wild child, the guy who refuses to conform to what society dictates.

Alas, sweet Chad. It wasn't meant to be.

We're picking up the Patriot on Saturday in three weeks. Then we're promptly getting him some blue throw pillows. And maybe a cozy brown ottoman.


Jenny N said...

we don't get a picture?

SLRd said...

I don't HAVE a picture. I can't find the Patriot on their web site which either means he is that new or he's that cheap.

Guess this means you'll just HAVE TO COME VISIT in order to see him.

Also, bring presents.