Thursday, October 05, 2006


The Man Friend and I were walking through the mall the other day, specifically the younger adult apparal when this little sprite of a conversation convulsed forth:

"I'm going to piss off my kids something awful when I tell them I'm not buying them shit like this because they'll look like filthy sluts and arrogent little pricks."

"Glad to know I won't always be the mean one."

"Nah. But I think I'd be a good mom."

"I agree. You'd make a great mom."

"Well, probably. You know, after I got past the first few stressful years of no sleep and the screaming."

"Just until I got you drinking again. Heavily."


SLRd said...

Yeah. Don't read too deeply into this.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

My only question is....who's screaming and no sleep? The children or you????

Jenny N said...

how romantic.