Friday, March 07, 2008


I have a dilemma, dear interwebs, a dilemma only you can solve.

Let us say that I have procured the assistance of two strapping young men.

Please allow me to direct your attention to Exhibit M:

And Exhibit W:

And let us say the assistance I require involves the picking up and the moving of a rather large, yet oh so stylish, dresser weighting roughly 150 lbs.

Which brings us now to Exhibit D:

And then let us say that there may be a single, solitary flight of stairs involved.

See: Exhibit S:

And now let us also say I have procured their assistance through bribery.

Exhibit B:

Exhibit P:

Now my question is: if a train leaves Dallas at 5:35 and travels at roughly 45 mph and a second train leaves Chicago at 7:02 and travels at 56 mph, exactly how much pizza am I required to feed these two?


Jen Nuessen said...

Well, since they're both APPEAR to be girls, one small pizza might do it! LOL!

Jaymie said...

Well, if it were the guys I know, they each could eat an entire pizza to themselves, but since they are having beer too, I would said be kind and only get a medium for each (need to watch all the carbs...they probably want to keep their girlish figures.) They can always take left overs and no one will complain about a whole pizza to themselves...