Tuesday, May 29, 2007


It's a wee bit short. Apparently "between my chin and shoulder" translated to "between my chin and nose."

Why yes, I do know I have a huge ass forehead.

I haven't decided if I like it yet but dear God did I get a shit ton of attention at work today. EVERYBODY and their brother noticed my hair and squealed in delight.

When I woke up on Sunday, I HATED it. We are talking absolute loathing but it has since started to grow on me. The only real problem with the haircut is the number of times it's been compared to a child's, i.e. - my neighbor's 2 year old and my coworker's 7 year old granddaughter.

Charmed, I'm sure.

Before some of the gents I hang out with managed a completement I got some of these little gems:

"Do you like it?"

"I'm not really up on women's hairstyles to know."

* * *

"When did you get your hair cut?"



* * *

"What happened to your hair?"



Anonymous said...

I like your haircut. Congrats on getting it loaded on the page.


Michelle said...

I hate back handed comments. I used to have an aunt that would say things like, "Oh, you got your hair cut." Yeah, lady, why don't you just come on out and say what you are thinking.

Anonymous said...

i think it is very sexy.