Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Speak of the devil. Guess who I saw today?

My asshat ex-boyfriend.

Yeah, that one.

He was driving. Something he NEVER did when we were dating because he didn't have a car. No, back then it was much easier to use me to drive him and his best friend to the mall and then pretend I had leprocy. Asshole must have had a pair, too, because he still had enough gull to ask me to buy him $150 headphones.

I didn't for the record.

I'm pretty sure he recognized me, too, judging by the three times he glanced my way. Just to be sure.

He still has dumb looking hair.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

Hi, Shannon. I got a new blog: http://youknowtommy.blogspot.com/

Go check it out and update my link for the peeps. Thanks.