Wednesday, June 18, 2008


(Ed. Note: For the record, Adam is not whipped, he's just a genuinely nice guy because you know the difference between whipped and nice? When you're whipped, you do things because you feel obligated or to stop the bitching. When you're nice, you do it just because you want to.

And we all know I never bitch.)

Dear Adam's Co-workers:

Let me start by saying I'm flattered, really I am, that you even think me capable of the caliber of whippage at which Adam currently resides. Because, can I be honest with you? Really truly honest? That sort of submission is just COMPLETELY out of my pay-grade. We're talking a lifetime of Jewish mother here (which I can't really explain seeing how Adam was raised Methodist, BUT I DIGRESS).

Now, while I wouldn't be shocked to find my sisters capable of grinding and then finely polishing their men down to that level given enough time and appropriate access to the boobage when positive reinforcement is necessary, frankly, I just don't have that kind of experience. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I had to buy my man pre-whipped by someone else (or maybe my lovin's really are THAT good), though he is a model specimen, isn't he? I've already had him almost two months and he still has that new boyfriend smell. AND IT IS DELICIOUS.

So in closing, as much as I would like to be able to take credit for making him the fine, upstanding, accommodating boyfriend he is today, I am not to be held responsible for his actions.

At least, not just yet.


1 comment:

Dove said...

new boyfriend smell is good.
almost up there with chocolate baked goods smell.