Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Since I started my dating career, I've been in several (2) long-distance relationships, and by "long-distance" I mean "only on the weekend, more than an hours drive, filling my gas tank up at least twice just to make it through the weekend" sort of distance. In both of these relationships, for some reason, without fail, be it my charming disposition or my ever-present need to please (shut up), it always ended up that I became the one doing most of, if not all of, the driving, an event that often times totaled 6 to 8 hours in the car. Every weekend.

Now, I'm going to level with you, dear interwebs. I am only so nice and giving and willing to please without there being some sort of reciprocation, so, naturally, after a month or two of doing all of the damn driving, I would become quietly resentful and angry. And, being a girl and struggling with my need to please, I wouldn't mention it. No. Better to let it fester and wallow until it blew up into something big and ugly, all the while hoping he would GET IT and say, "You know what? You've been doing all this for me, let me willingly drive down there for you."

That never happened.

So you'll imagine my surprise, dear interwebs, when I asked Adam if he wanted me to drive down to his place this evening and his response back was that he would drive tonight. Because I drove all weekend. Because I'll be driving all this weekend, too. And I had steeled myself. I was already vaguely annoyed at the thought of even more driving after all the driving I've been doing, but had told myself that it was okay, just this week and then I would tell him to pick up the slack after this holiday weekend was over.

But I don't have to. Because he's doing it willingly, because he noticed, because he wants to be fair. And I know it's something small. And I know it's something silly. And I know it's not the end of the world, but that response back meant so very much to me.


Duchess T said...

Yeah Adam!!!! FINALLY someone got it. It's not the big gestures that matter most.

Thanks Adam!!!

Jenny N said...

d'awwwww, how nice.