Monday, April 28, 2008


GuinnessChewbaccaNaughty Occurrence
XXMarked in Grandma and Grandpaw's house
XMarked more than once in Grandma and Grandpaw's house
XAlmost marked his Grandpaw's leather jacket
XAlmost marked his Grandpaw's brandy new motorcycle
XXSnuck in the laundry room
XSnuck in the laundry room and pooped on Grandma's pink shirt
XXAttempted to pick a fight with a dog that was bigger than him
XXInstigated a fight with his cousin
XWon those fights
XXGot put in time out
XRequired his jaws pried open to retrieve the treat he stole from his cousin
XXBit his mama
XXBit his aunt
XXGot called a "bad egg" by his Grandpaw
XRan out of the yard
XXPromptly passed out upon leaving his Grandma and Grandpaw's house


Duchess T said...

Why do they pass out?

SLRd said...

They were very tired from being bad all weekend.