Thursday, February 26, 2009


No, the nursery isn't done yet. In fact, the only thing "done" about it is it's painted.

Even that needs touched up.

Now that I think about it, though, the blinds are hung as well, which accent nicely off the only piece of furniture in the room that is actually going to remain in the room. Which is her bookshelf. Which also happens to be the only piece of furniture yet purchased for the space.

That isn't to say we don't already have other furniture. Because we do. Kind of. See, we're planning to use an old hand-me-down recliner that was already in Adam's possession as a rocking chair in her room. But right now, it's collecting laundry in our bedroom. And preventing me from opening my closet door all the way.

Oh! I just remembered we also have a lamp! Except I may want a new lamp shade because the one I picked out doesn't quite match the recliner.

Yes, it does so matter.

As for the rest of the room, there is a twin mattress that I want to keep but am unsure where to store. And then there is the other half of the room that is entirely filled with junk. Don't get me started on the junk. Because there is a lot of junk. Junk in the form of hand-me-down baby toys and accessories. And in the form of Adam and my stuff.

We have entirely too much stuff. And about a third of it is occupying a large portion of Baby Punchass' room. I'll be terrified if it turns out to only equal a fourth of the accumulated "stuff". So will the garbage man after mom and dad come down to help clean/organize this weekend. Goodwill may potentially be thrilled, however.

I have to admit I'm a little daunted by the task before us, particularly since we're relying pretty heavily on the generosity of my grandparents to produce the bulk of the furniture we still don't have. Dear Baby Punchass: DO NOT COME EARLY.


Anonymous said...

Good thing Mom and Dad are coming this weekend... Mom is the uber organizer and Dad is the muscle to get it done... I hope they don't drive you crazy!

Anonymous said...


Don't you think it's a little late for that nugget of hope?

Duchess T said...

I'm not worried. The 'Rents'll make it happen and it will be done right! Go Mom and Dad!!!!

SLRd said...

Yeah, we didn't even touch the baby's room. But the first floor looks AWESOME.