Tuesday, April 17, 2007


"Boy Roommate has a cold."

"Are you sure it's a cold?"

"Pretty much."

"Well, it could be the AIDS."


"Or it could be the Bubonic plague. Or nipple cancer."

"It is so wrong that that's funny. And he does not have any of those."

"Are you doubting my diagnostic abilities?!"


"What?! I am good friends with a doctor! I even know someone who has BEEN to the doctor. I am a wealth of medical knowledge."

"Boy Roommate will be happy to hear that."

"Good thing for Boy Roommate, not only do I diagnose, I also prescribe, though it's doubtful that he'll go for my go-to fixer-upper."

"Oh no."

"That's right. Uncle Man Friend's protein injections."

"That is more than just a little creepy."

"It'll cure what ails you."


"Two a day keeps the doctor away."

"Okay, you're done."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me worry. Nipple cancer? IS that real?