Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I pulled a muscle in my neck on Saturday.

I did it again last night.

I, apparently, should not hold my head at a certain angle. I tried to explain to Boy Roommate and his Not Girlfriend how this situation all started (my jaw muscles clenched from chewing a piece of gum into concrete) but they thought there might be another root cause. They are just so very funny.

ANYWAY, since this all started, I've been fighting a headache. And by fighting I mean whining. It wasn't bad. More of a dull ache than anything substantial. I'm of the mindset that I don't take any pills of any kind unless life will cease to exist without them. And while a dull ache is annoying, life was bound to go on.

Until last night.

I have NEVER had a headache that bad in my entire life, and I've hit my head QUITE a few times. (Shut it, you. And to be perfectly honest, this was the worst headache I actually REMEMBER having. Others might have been worse, but they've been washed away by the concussion that followed or the mere haziness of youth.)

For a moment I thought I might have meningitis but a quick trip to WebMD knocked me off THAT hypocondriac bandwagon and back into the far more rational rhelm of pulled neck muscle and that sumbitch HURTS! I mean damn. It's one thing to hurt where I pull you. But it is another thing ENTIRELY to wrap your greedy self around my head like a blanket and turn me into a pill-popping, whiney, little bitch.


I could not keep my eyes open last night as I BEGGED my nursing student roommate to kill me. Instead, she gave me permission to chase my Advil with two more Tylenol. I then laid down and willed sleep to come quickly. That or death. Whichever made my head stop hurting first.

I've continued this pill concoction into today.. twice.. and I plan to do it again. My mother suggested I go to the doctor, which is probably the smartest idea, but I'm afraid whatever I did is going to require a specialized doctor and I don't know if my insurance will cover that. So for now, I whine.


Anonymous said...

Go to the chiropracter. You may have moved your jaw out of alignment. (I have TMJ so you do have a family history. Sorry!!) Every time my chiropractor puts my jaw and neck back in alignment I feel INSTANT releif. Most medical insurance now covers 12 visits a year. Like I aid I feel relief in one visit. (And I have a spinal injury so that is saying A LOT!!!)
In the meantime, try gently icing it in case there is swelling. It doesn't take a lot of swelling to create agonizing pain from the jaw, so you may not see it.

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

See, someone agrees with me about TMJ!

Anonymous said...

Andrew is wise.